Financial Shenanigans, Fourth Edition: How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks and Fraud in Financial Reports

Audiobook description

Investing, investments, business and money, accounting, finance, financial schemes, investment fraud, business ethnics, securities, investment strategies, business and economics, auditing, unethical businesses, protecting your investments, investment advice

Table of contents

  1. Open 00:00:19
  2. Preface 00:11:14
  3. Part 1, Chapter 1: 25 Years of Shenanigans 00:23:02
  4. Chapter 2: Just Touch Up the X-Rays 00:28:31
  5. Part 2: Earnings Manipulation Shenanigans 00:04:04
  6. Chapter 2: Earnings Manipulation Shenanigan No.1: Recording Revenue Too Soon 00:45:36
  7. Chapter 4: Earnings Manipulation Shenanigan No. 2: Recording Bogus Revenue 00:34:39
  8. Chapter 5: Earnings Manipulation Shenanigan No.3: Boosting Income Using One Time or Unsustainable Activities 00:29:48
  9. Chapter 6: Earnings Manipulation Shenanigan No. 4: Shifting Current Expenses to a Later Period 00:48:53
  10. Chapter 7: Earnings Manipulation Shenanigan No. 5: Employing Other Techniques to Hide Expenses or Losses 00:31:47
  11. Chapter 8: Earnings Manipulation No. 6: Shifting Current Income to a Later Period 00:21:43
  12. Chapter 9: Earnings Manipulation Shenanigan No. 7: Shifting Future Expenses to the Current Period 00:28:58
  13. Part 3: Cash Flow Shenanigans 00:12:31
  14. Chapter 10: Cash Flow Shenanigan No. 1: Shifting Financing Cash Inflows to the Operating Section 00:32:59
  15. Chapter 11: Cash Flow Shenanigan No. 2: Moving Operating Cash Outflows to Other Sections 00:26:43
  16. Chapter 12: Cash Flow Shenanigan No. 3: Boosting Operating Cash Flow Using Unsustainable Activities 00:24:04
  17. Part 4: Key Metric Shenanigans 00:15:17
  18. Chapter 13: Key Metric Shenanigan No. 1: Showcasing Misleading Metrics That Overstate Performance 00:36:53
  19. Chapter 14: Key Metric Shenanigan No. 2: Distorting Balance Sheet Metrics to Avoid Showing Deterioration 00:30:08
  20. Part 5: Acquisition Accounting Shenanigans 00:10:48
  21. Chapter 15: Acquisition Accounting Shenanigan No. 1: Artifically Boosting Revenue & Earnings 00:22:17
  22. Chapter 16: Acquisition Accounting Shenanigan No. 2: Inflating Reported Cash Flow 00:30:12
  23. Chapter 17: Acquisition Accounting Shenanigan No. 3: Manipulating Key Metrics 00:11:41
  24. Part 6: Putting It All Together 00:00:34
  25. Chapter 18: The Unraveling 00:37:59
  26. Chapter 19: The Forensic Mindset 00:19:19
  27. Close 00:00:37

Product information

  • Title: Financial Shenanigans, Fourth Edition: How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks and Fraud in Financial Reports
  • Author(s): Howard M Schilit, Jeremy Perler, Yoni Engelhart
  • Release date: March 2018
  • Publisher(s): McGraw-Hill
  • ISBN: 9781260117257