Bibliography, Websites, and Blogs


  1. Anson, Weston, and Donna Suchy, eds., Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Valuation—A Primer for Identifying and Determining Value, Chicago: American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property Law (2005).
  2. Aspelund, Donald J., and Stephen Lundwall, Employee Noncompetition Law, Eagan, MN: Clark Boardman Callaghan (2013).
  3. Barry, Chris, Ronen Arad, Landan Ansell, and Evan Clark, “2013 Patent Litigation Study—Big cases made headlines, while patent cases proliferate,” New York: PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP (2013). Available at Accessed May 26, 2014.
  4. Brunsvold, Brian G., D. Patrick O'Reilley, and D. Brian Kacedon, Drafting Patent License Agreements, 7th ed., Bethesda, MD: Bloomberg BNA (2012).
  5. Davis, Amy E., Paula M. Bagger, Joanna H. Kim, and Jeffrey K. Riffer, Guide to Protecting and Litigating Trade Secrets, Chicago: American Bar Association, Section of Litigation (2013).
  6. Dickson, Mark, ed., Marketing Your Invention, 3rd ed., Chicago: American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property Law (2009).
  7. Finkelstein, William A., and James R. Sims III, Intellectual Property Handbook: A Practical Guide for Franchise, Business and IP Counsel, Chicago: American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property Law (2005).
  8. Glazier, Stephen C., Patent Strategies for Business, 3d ed., Washington, DC: LBI Law & Business Institute (2003).
  9. Goldstein, ...

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