DMAIC Methodology for FIT SIGMA
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) is a structured problem-solving methodology used extensively in Six Sigma projects. The DMAIC methodology is to be used when a process is in existence at your company but is not meeting customer specification or is otherwise not performing adequately. It combines the systematic data-driven approach of classical industrial engineering with the rigour of the life cycle in project management. The effectiveness of this approach cannot be doubted. However, a full application of DMAIC is time-consuming and can be too costly for some applications in smaller projects. Therefore, it becomes necessary to question its proportionality of application. This chapter aims to address this enquiry by using the FIT SIGMA theme of ‘fitness for the purpose’.
There are three approaches of the DMAIC methodology for FIT SIGMA in order to satisfy the theme of ‘fitness for the purpose’.
1. DMAIC Full.
2. DMAIC Lite.
3. KAIZEN Event.
DMAIC Full is applicable to:
- Complex multifunctional projects.
- Potential savings over £250,000.
- Project duration likely to be over three months.
- Suitable for large organisations with adequate training and programme budget.
- A Black Belt led project.
DMAIC Light is applicable to:
- Departmental projects.
- Project duration likely to be less than three months.
- Suitable for SMEs.
- Confidence limit less than 95%.
- A Green Belt led project.
KAIZEN Event is applicable to:
- A predominantly ...