Book description
FLSH CAST is one of the most anticipated releases in the company’s history. The FLSH CAST Bible will provide an invaluable resource for everyone looking to use this exciting new technology by providing a complete resource, from the basics of the Flex framework and rich internet applications, through designing comps and assets in ILOR, to importing those comps and assets and converting them to Flex components, round-trip editing of those components between CAST and ILOR, and finally to bringing the application into FLSH Builder for developers to complete the application.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Author
- Credits
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- 0. Dive Into Flash Catalyst CS5
- I. Rich Internet Applications and the Flash Platform
II. Designing the Application
- 4. Wireframing an Application in Flash Catalyst
5. Create an Application Comp in Illustrator
- 5.1. Create a New File in Illustrator
5.2. Drawing in Illustrator
- 5.2.1. The Tools panel
- 5.2.2. Selection tools
- 5.2.3. Drawing tools
- 5.3. Modify Artwork
- 5.4. Organize Art Work on Layers
- 5.5. Add Text to Your Designs
- 5.6. Apply Effects
- 5.7. Using Multiple Artboards
- 5.8. Best Practices when Using Illustrator with Catalyst
- 5.9. Summary
- 6. Create Assets in Photoshop
- 7. Using Fireworks with Flash Catalyst
III. Creating the Application in Catalyst
- 8. Converting Illustrator and Photoshop Artwork into Catalyst Projects
9. Converting Artwork to Components
- 9.1. Convert Layers and Groups to Custom Components
- 9.2. Creating Buttons
- 9.3. Convert Artwork to a Toggle Button
- 9.4. Convert Artwork to a Text Field
- 9.5. Convert Artwork to Sliders
- 9.6. Convert Artwork to Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
- 9.7. Convert Artwork to Scroll Panels and Data Lists
- 9.8. Convert Artwork to a Scrollbar
- 9.9. Summary
- 10. Creating View States
- 11. Adding Animation
- 12. Working with Design-time Data
- 13. Adding Multimedia
IV. Exporting Projects into Flash Builder 4
- 14. Flash Builder 4 and the Flex Framework
- 15. Exporting a Flash Catalyst Project to Flash Builder
- 16. Returning a Project to Flash Catalyst
- 17. Exporting Catalyst Projects Directly to Flash Player
- 18. Creating a Project for AIR
V. Build a Complete Project
19. Creating a Design Comp in Illustrator
- 19.1. Identifying the Design Requirements
19.2. Design the Application in Illustrator
- 19.2.1. Create a new file
- 19.2.2. Create the logo
- 19.2.3. Organize the Logo's Layers
- 19.2.4. Position the logo
- 19.2.5. Create the category list
- 19.2.6. Add the floral element
- 19.2.7. Create the top navigation
- 19.2.8. Create the Search and Wish List boxes
- 19.2.9. Create the bottom navigation
- 19.2.10. Create the backgrounds for the bottom navigation
- 19.2.11. Create the main content area for the Home state
- 19.2.12. Add the first sidebar
- 19.2.13. Create the second sidebar
- 19.2.14. Drawing the shopping cart
- 19.3. Optimizing the Project
- 19.4. Summary
- 20. Importing the Design into Catalyst
- 21. Import Additional Artwork from Illustrator and Photoshop
- 22. Converting Artwork to Components in Your Projects
- 23. Create View States in Your Project
- 24. Add Data Lists
- 25. Importing Your Project into Flash Builder
- 26. Connecting Your Project to Live Data
19. Creating a Design Comp in Illustrator
- VI. Appendixes
Product information
- Title: Flash® Catalyst™ CS5 Bible
- Author(s):
- Release date: May 2010
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9780470568156
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