About the Author

Yannis Haralambous was born in Athens (Greece) in 1962. He moved to France in 1979 to study at the Université de Lille I, where in 1990 he completed his doctoral dissertation in pure mathematics. After a brief period at INALCO and several years of self-employment, in 2001 he joined the faculty of ENST Bretagne, in Brest (Brittany), where he teaches computer science. He does his research in the fields of digital typography (especially for the languages of East Asia), internationalization, and the electronic book. He has been the co-developer of Ω, a successor to TEX, now merged into the very promising luaTEX.

He is married to Tereza (who is, among other things, an excellent font designer). Together they have two daughters: Ernestine Chloé Hélène (*1998) and Danaé Elsa Catherine (*2004), whose photos are shown on page 620 for the reader's appreciation. Apart from typography, his chief passion is so-called "classical" piano music (from Bach to Hindemith, including Schumann, Debussy, and Poulenc along the way), especially chamber music.

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