3DES, 70
access controls
access control lists (ACLs), 38–43
implementation of, 37–43
models, 43–48
overview, 35–37
physical access controls, 48–50, 124–125
accountability, 52–55
active discovery, 193
address space layout randomization (ASLR), 151–152
Adleman, Leonard, 71
administrative controls, 14, 81, 127
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 70, 178
agented scans, 194
air-gapped networks, 165
alerting, 204
AMD, 152
anti-malware tools, 151
Apple, 163
applications. See also software
mobile devices, 163
overview, 173–174
penetration testing (pentesting) of, 198–199
scanning, 194
tools for, 184–188
arbitrary code execution, 183
The Art of War (Sun Tzu), 102
Ashton, Kevin, 167
assessments, 57–58
asset identification, ...
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