Subject Index
- Adaptive lasso
- Added variable plot
- Adjusted means
- Adjusted R-squared
- Adjusted response variable
- Affine space
- Aitken model
- Aliasing
- Analysis of covariance
- Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
- ANOVA table
- factorial
- multivariate
- one-way
- R. A. Fisher
- repeated measures
- two-way
- ANOVA, see Analysis of variance
- Attenuation bias
- Autoregressive correlation structure
- Average causal effect
- Backward elimination
- Balanced data
- Baseline-category logit model
- discrete-choice model
- likelihood function
- sufficient statistics
- Bayes factor
- Bayesian inference
- binary regression models
- introduction
- large p
- normal linear model
- Bayesian modeling
- Bernoulli trials
- correlated
- Best linear unbiased estimator
- Beta distribution
- prior for binomial parameter
- Beta-binomial distribution
- negative binomial connection
- Beta-binomial models
- Between-groups sum of squares
- Between-subject effects
- Bias reduction
- logistic regression
- Bias–variance tradeoff
- kernel smoothing
- penalized likelihood
- Binary GLM
- Bayesian
- overdispersion
- random effects
- Binomial distribution
- Bayesian inference
- exponential family form
- overdispersion
- residuals
- Bivariate regression
- Bonferroni method
- Boole's inequality
- Bootstrap
- Bradley–Terry model
- Breakdown point
- Calibration
- Canonical link function
- Case-control study
- logistic regression
- Cauchit link function
- Censored data
- Centering explanatory variables
- Chi-squared distribution
- noncentral
- Chi-squared test
- count data
- logistic goodness-of-fit ...
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