The example in this chapter will break things down to the point where standard Map and Reduce functions from FCSlib can be used. There is no automatic parallelization going on, but because you know the functions are all functionally pure, they could be parallelized easily enough if all the issues of data exchange, distributed node management, and so forth are solved.

The first sample counts words, so it starts with a piece of text:

const string hamlet = @"Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother's death

The memory be green, and that it us befitted

To bear our hearts in grief and our whole kingdom

To be contracted in one brow of woe,


To business with the king, more than the scope

Of these delated articles allow.

Farewell, and let your haste commend your duty.";

Step 1 is the mapping of data:

var pairs = Functional.Collect(

  text => Functional.Map(

    word => Tuple.Create(word, 1),

    text.Split(new[] { " ", Environment.NewLine },


  new[] { hamlet });

There are two different Map calls here, so things are a bit confusing. The outer one is called Collect, which is an extension of the standard Map function: it assumes that each iteration of the source list produces not just a single element of output, but a list of items, and so it concatenates all the resulting sublists into one whole result before returning it. The function Collect and the helper Concat, which make this possible together, are here:

public ...

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