Appendix 5Normal Distribution
A real random variable X follows a normal or Gaussian distribution of mean u and standard deviation σ if its probability density f is given by:
This function is determined by knowing the parameters μ and σ. We note that X ~ N(μ,σ): X follows the law N(μ,σ).
The graphical representation of f(x) leads to the famous "bell curve".
Regardless of the values of the parameters, the Gaussian distribution has a maximum amplitude known as the statistical mode. The mean u corresponds to the abscissa of this maximum amplitude. The intervals that are typically considered are [μ-σ,μ+σ], [μ-2σ,μ+2σ], [μ-3σ,μ+3σ] and [μ-4σ,μ+4σ], which respectively contain 68.3, 95.5, 99.7 and 99.99% of the considered statistical population.
The distribution function F is defined by:
Standard normal distribution: a Gaussian ...
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