Data Structures for Graphics
Certain data structures seem to pop up repeatedly in graphics applications, per-
haps because they address fundamental underlying ideas like surfaces, space, and
scene structure. This chapter talks about several basic and unrelated categories
of data structures that are among the most common and useful: mesh structures,
spatial data structures, scene graphs, and tiled multidimensional arrays.
For meshes, we discuss the basic storage schemes used for storing static
meshes and for transferring meshes to graphics APIs. We also discuss the winged-
edge data structure (Baumgart, 1974) and the related half-edge structure, which
are useful for managing models where the tessellation changes, such as in sub-
division or model simplication. Although these methods generalize to arbitrary
polygon meshes, we focus on the simpler case of triangle meshes here.
Next, the scene-graph data structure is presented. Various forms of this data
structure are ubiquitous in graphics applications because they are so useful in
managing objects and transformations. All new graphics APIs are designed to
support scene graphs well.
For spatial data structures, we discuss three approaches to organizing models
in 3D space—bounding volume hierarchies, hierarchical space subdivision, and
uniform space subdivision—and the use of hierarchical space subdivision (BSP
trees) for hidden surface removal. The same methods are also used for other
purposes including geometry culling and collision detection.
Finally, the tiled multidimensional array is presented. Originally developed
to help paging performance in applications where graphics data needed to be
swapped in from disk, such structures are now crucial for memory locality on
machines regardless of whether the array ts in main memory.
262 12. Data Structures for Graphics
12.1 Triangle Meshes
Most real-world models are composed of complexes of triangles with shared ver-
tices. These are usually known as triangular meshes, triangle meshes,ortrian-
gular irregular networks (TINs) and handling them efciently is crucial to the
performance of many graphics programs. The kind of efciency that is impor-
tant depends on the application. Meshes are stored on disk and in memory, and
we’d like to minimize the amount of storage consumed. When meshes are trans-
mitted across networks or from the CPU to the graphics system, they consume
bandwidth, which is often even more precious than storage. In applications that
perform operations on meshes, besides simply storing and drawing them—such
as subdivision, mesh editing, mesh compression, or other operations—efcient
access to adjacency information is crucial.
Triangle meshes are generally used to represent surfaces, so a mesh is not just
a collection of unrelated triangles, but rather a network of triangles that connect to
one another throughshared vertices and edges to form a single continuoussurface.
This is a key insight about meshes: a mesh can be handled more efciently than a
collection of the same number of unrelated triangles.
The minimum information required for a triangle mesh is a set of triangles
(triples of vertices) and the positions (in 3D space) of their vertices. But many,
if not most, programs require the ability to store additional data at the vertices,
edges, or faces to support texture mapping, shading, animation, and other opera-
tions. Vertex data is the most common: each vertex can have material parameters,
texture coordinates, irradiances—any parameters whose values change across the
surface. These parameters are then linearly interpolated across each triangle to
dene a continuous function over the whole surface of the mesh. However, it is
also occasionally important to be able to store data per edge or per face.
12.1.1 Mesh Topology
The idea that meshes are surface-like can be formalized as constraints on the mesh
topology—the way the triangles connect together, without regard for the vertex
positions. Many algorithms will only work, or are much easier to implement, on a
mesh with predictable connectivity. The simplest and most restrictive requirement
on the topology of a mesh is for the surface to be a manifold. A manifold mesh is
“watertight”—it has no gaps and separates the space on the inside of the surface
from the space outside. It also looks like a surface everywhere on the mesh.
We’ll leave the precise def-
initions to the mathemati-
cians; see the chapter
The term manifold comes from the mathematical eld of topology: roughly
speaking, a manifold (specically a two-dimensional manifold, or 2-manifold) is

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