12Experimental Design and the Taguchi Method

  1. 12-1 Introduction and Chapter Objectives
  2. 12-2 Experimental Design Fundamentals
  3. 12-3 Some Experimental Designs
  4. 12-4 Factorial Experiments
  5. 12-5 The Taguchi Method
  6. 12-6 The Taguchi Philosophy
  7. 12-7 Loss Functions
  8. 12-8 Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Performance Measures
  9. 12-9 Critique of S/N Ratios
  10. 12-10 Experimental Design in the Taguchi Method
  11. 12-11 Parameter Design in the Taguchi Method
  12. 12-12 Critique of Experimental Design and the Taguchi Method
  13. Summary
yij. Response variable for jth experimental unit assigned to treatment i
img Average response of treatment i
img Average response of the jth block
img Grand mean of all observations
img Response variable value for the ith level of the first factor, jth level of the second factor, and the kth replication
img Average response for the ith level of the first factor
img Average response for the ...

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