Chapter 11
Crowdfunding Made Easy
What crowdfunding is all about
Understanding the good and bad of crowdfunding
Exploring crowdfunding platforms and models
Creating a compelling crowdfunding campaign
You may have opened this chapter up the moment you got your hands on this book because it’s about crowdfunding! It’s going to make you oodles of money because people are more willing to put in small amounts of money, and lots of them will be happy to do it because your product is going to change the world!
Whoa, simmer down there, Sparky. If you don’t choose the right kind of online crowdfunding platform that will give you the best chance to reach the most people, your days of wine and roses will turn into the days of vinegar and tobacco.
That said, crowdfunding isn’t panhandling, either, and this financial model is so popular because it’s inclusive and these virtual marketplaces connect creators with their potential funders.
In this chapter, we start by reviewing the seven types of crowdfunding, and you’ll need that information to learn what’s good and not so good about ...
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