Book description
Edward F. Vonesh's Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Models for Correlated Data: Theory and Applications Using SAS is devoted to the analysis of correlated response data using SAS, with special emphasis on applications that require the use of generalized linear models or generalized nonlinear models. Written in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, it provides applied statisticians with the necessary theory, tools, and understanding to conduct complex analyses of continuous and/or discrete correlated data in a longitudinal or clustered data setting. Using numerous and complex examples, the book emphasizes real-world applications where the underlying model requires a nonlinear rather than linear formulation and compares and contrasts the various estimation techniques for both marginal and mixed-effects models. The SAS procedures MIXED, GENMOD, GLIMMIX, and NLMIXED as well as user-specified macros will be used extensively in these applications. In addition, the book provides detailed software code with most examples so that readers can begin applying the various techniques immediately.
Table of contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- I Linear Models
II Nonlinear Models
- 4 Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Models
- 5 Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models
- III Further Topics
IV Appendices
- A Some useful matrix notation and results
- B Additional results on estimation
C Datasets
- C.1 Dental growth data
- C.2 Bone mineral density data
- C.3 ADEMEX adequacy data
- C.4 MCM2 biomarker data
- C.5 Estrogen hormone data
- C.6 ADEMEX peritonitis and hospitalization data
- C.7 Respiratory disorder data
- C.8 Epileptic seizure data
- C.9 Schizophrenia data
- C.10 LDH enzyme leakage data
- C.11 Orange tree data
- C.12 Soybean growth data
- C.13 High flux hemodialyzer data
- C.14 Cefamandole pharmacokinetic data
- C.15 MDRD data
- C.16 Theophylline data
- C.17 Phenobarbital data
- C.18 ADEMEX GFR and survival data
- D Select SAS macros
Product information
- Title: Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Models for Correlated Data: Theory and Applications Using SAS
- Author(s):
- Release date: September 2012
- Publisher(s): SAS Institute
- ISBN: 9781599946474
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