Chapter 9
Be Influential Now
The very essence of all power to influence lies in getting the other person to participate.
—Harry A. Overstreet American social psychologist
How to Become Influential
There always are tangible steps you can take to enhance your ability to influence others. Although you may not yet believe in yourself, trust your own ability, or know how to wield influence, you should be assured that you can. Perhaps you don't have any role models, or haven't seen anyone who positively wields influence. Regardless of your current state of influence, the first step in increasing it is to be aware of the specific traits that influential people have developed to a significantly higher degree than others have.
Think of the three or four most influential people you know, and consider the traits they have in common. What makes them able to influence others? Your list should include many, if not all, of the following five areas (see Figure 9.1):
1. Solid reputation
2. Enhanced skill set
3. Executive presence
4. Superior likability
5. Power to persuade
Now, on a scale from 1 (poorly developed) to 10 (highly developed), grade yourself in each of these five areas. Mark your score next to each one listed. Don't be ashamed to score yourself a 1 or a 2. The point of this exercise isn't to wring your hands over your low grades, but to recognize ...