To create a pull request, you have to go on your GitHub account and make it directly from your forked account; but first, you have to know that pull requests can be made only from separated branches. At this point of the book, you are probably used to creating a new branch for a new feature or refactor purpose, so this is nothing new, isn't it?
To make an attempt, let's create a local TeaSpoon branch in our repository, commit a new file, and push it to our GitHub account:
[6] ~/Spoon-Knife (master) $ git branch TeaSpoon [7] ~/Spoon-Knife (master) $ git checkout TeaSpoon Switched to branch 'TeaSpoon' [8] ~/Spoon-Knife (TeaSpoon) $ vi [9] ~/Spoon-Knife (TeaSpoon) $ git add [10] ~/Spoon-Knife (TeaSpoon) ...