Time for action – manipulating arrays

  1. To delete the second column in A, we use:
    octave:14> A(:,2) = []
    A =
      1   3
      1   3
  2. We can extend an existing array, for example:
    octave:15 > b = [b 4 5]
    b =
      1 2 3 4 5
  3. Finally, try the following commands:
    octave:16> d = [2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20]
    d =
      2    4    6    8    10    12    14    16    18    20
    octave:17> d(1:2:9)
    ans =
      2    6    10   14    18
    octave:18>  d(3:3:12) = -1
    d =
      2    4    -1    8    10    -1    14    16    -1    20    0    -1

What just happened?

In Command 14, Octave interprets [] as an empty column vector and column 2 in A is then deleted in the command. Instead of deleting a column, we could have deleted a row, for example as an empty column vector and column 2 in A is then deleted in the command.

octave:14> A(2,:)=[]

On the right-hand side of the equal ...

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