Time for action – making an inset
- First we type the command:
octave:96> subplot(1,1,1)
which will open the main plotting window and allow you to make subplots.
- Now, to plot the graph of f1 with line width 5, we use:
octave:97>plot(x,f_1, "linewidth", 5)
- Set the axis limits to ensure space for the inset:
octave:98> set(gca, "xlim", [-6 2.5], "ylim", [-50 70])
- When we insert the smaller inset window, we specify the location of the lower-left corner of the inset and the length and height. We do so in fractions of the main plotting window (including the axis ticks). For example:
octave:99> axes("position",[0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3])
- To plot in the inset, we simply use the basic
function:octave:100> plot(x, f_2, "red", "linewidth", 5)
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