Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide

Book description

Grails is a full-stack web development framework that enables you to build complete web applications in a fraction of the time and with less code than other frameworks. Grails uses the principle of convention over configuration and the dynamic Groovy programming language.

Table of contents

  1. Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide
    1. Copyright
    2. For the Best Reading Experience...
    3. Table of Contents
    4. What Readers Are Saying About Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide
    5. Greetings and Salutations!
      1. Let Me Tell You About Grails…
      2. How Does Grails Do It?
      3. Why This Book?
      4. Who Should Read This Book
      5. Source Code
      6. Acknowledgments
    6. Chapter 1: Enough Groovy to Be Dangerous
      1. Groovy Syntax Compared to Java
      2. Groovy Strings
      3. Groovy Closures
      4. Groovy Collections
      5. Metaprogramming
      6. Where to from Here?
    7. Chapter 2: Our Project
      1. Introducing
      2. Meet Our Customer
      3. Iteration Zero
      4. Summary
    8. Chapter 3: Laying the Foundation
      1. Creating a Domain Class
      2. More About Domain Classes
      3. Testing Our Domain Class
      4. Taking Control of Our Domain
      5. Modifying Code That Doesn’t Exist
      6. Bootstrapping Some Test Data
      7. Summary
    9. Chapter 4: Building Relationships
      1. The TekUser Domain Class
      2. One-to-One Relationships
      3. One-to-Many Relationships
      4. Collections of Simple Data Types
      5. Adding a Sponsor Class
      6. Many-to-Many Relationships
      7. Finishing Up the Domain Model
      8. Summary
    10. Chapter 5: Beyond Scaffolding
      1. Generating Scaffolding Code
      2. Anatomy of a Grails Controller
      3. Grails Views with Groovy Server Pages
      4. Configuring a Database
      5. Summary
    11. Chapter 6: Getting Things Done
      1. Changing All Our Views at Once
      2. Modifying the Scaffolded Views
      3. Event Task List
      4. Grails Service Classes
      5. Integration Testing
      6. Modifying the Task Class
      7. Summary
    12. Chapter 7: Forum Messages and UI Tricks
      1. Restricting Messages to an Event
      2. Of Templates and Ajax
      3. Display Message Threads with a Custom Tag
      4. Summary
    13. Chapter 8: Knock, Knock: Who’s There? Grails Security
      1. Grails Security Options
      2. Logging In
      3. Filters
      4. Logging Out
      5. Summary
    14. Chapter 9: Big-Picture Views
      1. Home Page Makeover
      2. Creating a New Controller
      3. Designing the Dashboard View
      4. Adding the Dashboard Action
      5. Adding a Menu
      6. Linking to the Dashboard
      7. Summary
    15. Chapter 10: Seek, and You Shall Find
      1. Search Using Dynamic Finders
      2. Hibernate Criteria Builder
      3. The Big Guns: The Searchable Plugin
      4. Summary
    16. Chapter 11: Icing on the Cake
      1. The jQuery UI Plugin
      2. The Twitter4J Plugin
      3. User-Friendly URLs
      4. Summary
    17. Chapter 12: Deployment and Beyond
      1. Using a JNDI Data Source
      2. Creating and Deploying a WAR
      3. Next Steps
      4. Parting Thoughts
    18. Appendix 1: Additional CSS Rules
    19. Appendix 2: Resources
      1. Online Resources
      2. Meet the GR8 Community
      3. Other Resources
      4. IDE Support
    20. Bibliography

Product information

  • Title: Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide
  • Author(s): Dave Klein, Ben Klein
  • Release date: December 2013
  • Publisher(s): Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • ISBN: 9781937785772