7The Global Demand for Biofuels and Biotechnology‐Derived Commodity Chemicals: Technologies, Markets, and Challenges

Stephen R. Hughes1and Marjorie A. Jones2

1Applied DNA Sciences, Stony Brook, NY, 11790, USA

2Department of Chemistry, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, 61790, USA

7.1 Introduction

The current global demand for biofuels and biotechnology‐derived commodity chemicals is presented in the context of total worldwide energy demands, including an itemization of the share of petroleum used for transportation purposes and the share of petroleum used for manufacturing chemicals. This demand is further detailed in each of the major markets including EU, US, Japan, Brazil, China, Russia, and India. The displacement of petroleum‐derived chemicals by biomass‐derived fuels and chemicals is discussed. Current projections regarding the global demand are provided, ...

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