Chapter 4

Applying Customer Journey Frameworks


Bullet Applying customer journey frameworks

Bullet Using tools to visualize customer journeys

Bullet Conducting a growth audit

The customer journey is the path that someone who knows nothing about your product takes in order to find — and then use — your product. In this chapter, I lay out the importance of visualizing this concept so that you can grow your product. I also introduce the frameworks, tools, and methods that will help you understand the customer journey of your own product.

Visualizing the customer for your product lays the foundation for you to collect data and audit the current state of your product’s growth. This is ammunition you can use to go back to key stakeholders and have a data-informed discussion about what it would take to grow your product. It also allows executives to understand gaps that could impact their plans for growth and help build the case to allocate resources to cover for those deficiencies. Lastly, knowing more about your customers means that you’ll be not only better informed about what it will take to meet your current business goals but also better able to come away with recommendations on potential ...

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