
Acceleration in business, 147–165

within complex environment, 154–156

embracing ambiguity for, 163–165

impact of complexity on, 150–154

and market/customer rhythms, 148–150

and organizational/process complexity, 156–163

pace of product development/decision making, 147–148

Acquisitions (see Mergers and acquisitions (M&As))

Activity-based costing (ABC), 214–216

Adams, Richard, 54

Adaptability, 49, 105–106, 155–156

Adjacency, growth by, 264–271

alternative adjacency ideas in, 269–270

capabilities and operating model in, 269

core business in, 267–268

defined, 255

and Greener Pasture Siren, 255–257

revenues and costs for, 270–271

scale and complexity with, 268

success in, 265, 266

testing new market entry for, 270

as unsuccessful strategy, ...

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