Chapter 2Welcome to the Intelligent Health Revolution

DOI: 10.4324/9781003286103-2

rev·o·lu·tion | \ ˌre-və-ˈlü-shən

A: a change of paradigm

B: a sudden, radical, or complete change

Strap yourself in. We are about to blast off.

The smart folks at McKinsey & Company predict that we will experience more technological progress in the next decade than we have in the past 100 years.1 Imagine that. Pop the hood on any of these up-and-coming tech attractions and you’ll likely find AI driving things forward.

The first shots in the Intelligence Revolution were fired years ago. You benefit from them every time you go online, use a smart app, or get directions. The pandemic showed us that humans are better and faster in solving big problems in health ...

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