Harvard Business Essentials Managing Projects Large and Small: The Fundamental Skills for Delivering on Budget and on Time

Book description

When it comes to project management, success lies in the details. This book walks managers through every step of project oversight from start to finish. Thanks to the book's comprehensive information on everything from planning and budgeting to team building and after-project reviews, managers will master the discipline and skills they need to achieve stellar results without wasting time and money.

Table of contents

  1. The Harvard Business Essentials Series
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Introduction
  6. 1 - Project Management As a Process
    1. Defining and Organizing the Project
    2. Planning the Project
    3. Managing Project Execution
    4. Closing the Project
    5. Summing Up
  7. 2 - The Cast of Characters
    1. Project Sponsor
    2. Project Manager
    3. Project Team Leader
    4. Project Team Members
    5. Characteristics of Effective Project Teams
    6. Summing Up
  8. 3 - A Written Charter
    1. A Mandate for Action
    2. Clarify Objectives
    3. Make It Time-Bound
    4. Be Specific About Project Scope
    5. Summing Up
  9. 4 - A Framework for Action
    1. Decisions, Decisions
    2. Tracking and Disposing of Unresolved Issues
    3. Documenting Decisions and Actions
    4. Creating a Communications Plan
    5. Bringing People into Contact
    6. Developing the Budget
    7. Summing Up
  10. 5 - Work Breakdown
    1. Work Breakdown Structure
    2. Time and Resource Estimates
    3. Assigning the Work
    4. An Extended Example
    5. Shall We Proceed?
    6. Summing Up
  11. 6 - Scheduling the Work
    1. Examine the Relationships Between Tasks
    2. Create a Draft Schedule
    3. Optimize the Schedule
    4. Using Scheduling Software
    5. Summing Up
  12. 7 - Adjustments and Trade-Offs
    1. When the Project Won’t Fit
    2. Challenge Assumptions
    3. Revisit Tasks and Times
    4. Summing Up
  13. 8 - Managing Risk
    1. What Is Risk Management?
    2. Identify and Prioritize Project Risks
    3. Take Actions to Avoid or Minimize Risks
    4. Develop Contingency Plans to Handle Potential Setbacks
    5. Summing Up
  14. 9 - Project Adaptation
    1. Sources of Unanticipated Risk—and Their Consequences
    2. The Adaptive Management Approach
    3. Summing Up
  15. 10 - Getting Off on the Right Foot
    1. Why Launch Meetings Matter
    2. Create Integrative Mechanisms
    3. Establish Norms of Behavior
    4. Summing Up
  16. 11 - Keeping on Track
    1. Monitoring and Controlling the Project
    2. Dealing with People Issues
    3. The Role of Communication
    4. Handling Problems
    5. Summing Up
  17. 12 - The Closedown Phase
    1. Performance Evaluation
    2. Documentation
    3. Lessons Learned
    4. Celebration
    5. Summing Up
  18. APPENDIX A - Useful Implementation Tools
  19. APPENDIX B - A Guide to Effective Meetings
  20. Notes
  21. Glossary
  22. For Further Reading
  23. Index
  24. About the Subject Adviser
  25. About the Writer

Product information

  • Title: Harvard Business Essentials Managing Projects Large and Small: The Fundamental Skills for Delivering on Budget and on Time
  • Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
  • Release date: March 2004
  • Publisher(s): Harvard Business Review Press
  • ISBN: 9781591393214