
acceptance, 70–71

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), 65

action, bias toward, 80–81

Albright, Madeleine, 40–41

anxiety, 27

attention trackers, 96, 98–100

auto-analytics, 89–108

about, 90–92

areas to measure, 93–103

defined, 90

future of, 104–107

goals for, 91

tools for, 92–93, 95–97, 101–102, 104–106

“aware” self-awareness archetype, 20

best self, 55–56


confirmation, 26

toward action, 80–81

Blair, Tony, 43

Bloom, Harold, 152, 153

Bradshaw, Terry, 45–46

Brokaw, Tom, 41

candor, about feelings, 7–9


passion for, 51–58

role of emotions in, 100–101

change, personal, 151–152, 154–156

characters, of Shakespeare, 152–167

Chua, Sacha, 94, 96–98

coaching, 139–141

collective impressions, 112–113

confidence. See overconfidence

confirmation ...

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