Chapter 5. Network Devices and Traffic: How Smart is Your Network?
A network can never be too smart.
Networks need as much intelligence as you can pack into them, but where does that intelligence come from? The answer is from its network devices. In this chapter, we’ll look at how hubs, switches and routers use their innate intelligence to move packets around a network. We’ll show you how these devices think, why they’re so useful, and we’ll even take a peek at what network traffic looks like using packet analyzing software. Keep reading, and we’ll show you how to super-charge your network.
You’ve decoded the secret message...
You’re a crackerjack network technician for the Head First Spy Agency. You’ve successfully decoded a secret message from the rogue signal, so what’s next?
...but how do we know who sent it?
Even though we’ve decoded one of the messages the mole sent, we don’t know who sent it. And if we don’t know who’s sending rogue messages, how can we prevent it from happening?
We need to somehow track down who the mole is—but how? All we have to go on is the rogue signal we used to decode the message. Can we somehow use that to help us sniff out the mole?
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