Chapter 1

Welcome To (Or Back To) Coding


check Why kids are coding

check Why you need to know coding

check Where do you come in?

check Working with young coders

Who are you and where do you fit into the brave new world of coding? You may be a newbie programmer who wants to learn or “level up” coding skills to coach the next generation of kiddos to programming success. Or perhaps you’re a seasoned programmer who wants to “dial it down” and explore a good starting point for kid coders. Or perhaps you’re someone in between — you’ve coded in a past school or career experience — maybe in a language that’s lost steam — and now you’re returning to the practice to learn the newest tricks of the trade.

Whoever you are and whatever your goal, we’re excited to welcome you to (or back to) coding!

In this chapter, you find out why kids are coding and why so much attention is currently focused in education on the discipline of computer programming. We also talk about the range of roles you can play in the teaching and learning of computer science, and identify strategies you can employ when working as ...

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