Chapter 17
Ten Other Options for Automating Your Life
In This Chapter
Cleaning your gutters automagically
Remotely feeding and cleaning up after your pets
Never touching your toilet’s handle again
Tackling other tasks with home automation devices
By this point, you have discovered all about how home automation works and how you can control it via your smartphone, tablet, and computer. Life is great, your home is whirring away without a care, and you know all the tasks you need to keep scratching your home automation itches.
Or do you know them all (home automation tasks, that is)? Might there be some other home automation gems that didn’t fit so neatly into the earlier categories and chapters up? Could you be missing out on the one, super-cool home automation trick that could keep you from ever going back to the days without automatic ovens? Will I ever stop asking questions and get on with this chapter?
The answer to the first question is no, but to the rest I resound with a hearty “yes!”
The devices you’re about to discover do indeed exist, and they are actually quite helpful, ...
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