How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved

Book description

At AT&T, a “raindrop” is an annoying policy, outdated process, or unhelpful tool. When enough of them pool up, people feel like they’re drowning in bureaucracy. AT&T’s Project Raindrops, which evolved from a grassroots effort to an office with six full-time employees, uses a streamlined process to vet and implement employee ideas on how to fix these annoyances. The company says the project has saved it $230 million so far. AT&T’s CTO shares lessons for leaders on how to make such a program work.

Product information

  • Title: How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved
  • Author(s): Jeremy Legg
  • Release date: March 2024
  • Publisher(s): MIT Sloan Management Review
  • ISBN: 53863MIT65404