How Organizations Can Take a Lead in Protecting Reproductive Rights

Book description

The U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade in late June is affecting some employees’ decisions about where they want to live and work. As some states pass laws to ban or restrict access to abortion services, employers’ responses may affect their ability to attract and retain top talent. The authors offer five actions organizational leaders can take to support and protect employees’ reproductive freedom in light of some states’ changing reproductive health care policies.

Product information

  • Title: How Organizations Can Take a Lead in Protecting Reproductive Rights
  • Author(s): Bobbi Thomason, Nitya Chawla, Allison Gabriel, Danna Greenberg, Curba Lampert, Kristie Moergen, Dana Sumpter, Elizabeth Umphress
  • Release date: September 2022
  • Publisher(s): MIT Sloan Management Review
  • ISBN: 53863MIT64210