Chapter 9. The Yellow Brick Road and Its Potholes

The Pros and Cons of a Sales Process

There are two types of salespeople: those with a defined sales approach and those who I will refer to as the "wing its." The wing its want you to think that they are just "keeping it real." They tell you that each customer is different, and that you can't have a defined sales approach. The wing its just want to treat people right, and everything will be okay.

Here's the brutal truth about the wing its; they are usually either ashamed of being salespeople, or they are lazy. They are making excuses for being unprepared, and they're afraid of their customers. The wing its believe that they can sell successfully using their personality alone. The wing its are so afraid of having a "sales" persona attached to their names that they believe customers will buy if they want to—and if they don't, they won't, and the salesperson can't make the ultimate difference. The wing its are order takers. And wing its make up over 95 percent of the salespeople in the world.

I am now going to make an unfair analogy, and compare salespeople to soldiers in battle. Now, I know that nothing should really be compared to soldiers or battle—but I believe you will get the point and understand that it is merely that—a comparison. Nothing to be taken at face value, so here we go... Although I have never been a soldier, I am pretty sure that soldiers spend most of their life training and preparing in every way possible for all imaginable ...

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