Where do we go from here?
So you’ve done it – you’ve built a great team. Congratulations! Um...what
happens now? Well, if you sit back and do nothing, you’ll start to notice in
six months or a year’s time that it’s not quite such a great team as you
thought. That’s because teams don’t remain static or rather people don’t.
They get bored, they want new challenges, they are motivated by some-
thing different from what motivated them last year or the year before.
And the work changes as well: most successful teams generate growth,
which in turns leads to more people being taken on to fuel that growth.
And teams – especially successful ones – take on new responsibilities.
All these things have the potential to lead to conflict and confusion, or to
even greater success, depending on how you guide the team through them.
Strong, effective teams can give the impression of being invincible. They are
not. Sure, a really good team takes longer to break down than a weak and
ineffectual team, just as a strong, mature tree may endure several seasons
of bad weather that would have killed a less well rooted and established
tree, but any team will break down in the end if it isn’t tended and nurtured.
Most of the skills you need to sustain a successful team have already
been covered in this book in slightly different contexts. But it’s worth
bringing them together under one chapter to give you a clear picture of
where your priorities should lie once you have built your team. This
chapter will examine:
motivating a successful team

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