
  1. 31 day “zero to hero” talk to absolutely anyone plan
  3. actions
    1. see also decision-making; 31 day “zero to hero” talk to absolutely anyone plan
    2. capturing their imagination
    3. ‘close point’
    4. ‘double bind’ sales practices
    5. follow-up requests
    6. going for it
    7. good expectations
    8. ‘I just need to think about it’ responses
    9. knowing/doing contrasts
    10. motivation
    11. narrow choices
    12. objections
    13. rejection fears
    14. Stage 4 – get them to take action
    15. steps
    16. talking as if it is going to happen
  4. answers
    1. see also questions
  5. anxieties
    1. see also emotions; fears
  6. appraisals
  7. assistance opening statements
  8. attention
  9. auditory perspectives
    1. see also voice working
    2. information processing considerations
  11. barriers
    1. see also fears; resistance; worries about what others might think ...

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