

tape, 170, 171

VTR, 208

2:3 pulldown, 133

4 × 3 aspect ratio, 127

16 × 9 aspect ratio, 126, 127, 128

70 mm wide screen, 117

525 scan lines, 8


Academy wide screen, 117

Active video, 17, 93

Additive process, 53

Address track, 186

Advanced Televisions Systems Committee, 114

AFM; see Audio frequency modulation

AM; see Amplitude modulation

American Standard for Computer Information Interchange, 108

Amplitude change, 39

Amplitude modulation, 39, 40, 98

Analog and digital, 2-3

broadcasting, 42-45

domains, 2

encoding, 95


audio, 194-195

component signal, 98-99

input/output, 99


input/output, 97

signal, 96-98

encoding process, 96

out, 101

playback procedures, 213

recording, 167-168

demodulation, 167-168

modulation, 167

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