HTML5 Unleashed

Book description

HTML5 Unleashed is the authoritative guide that covers the key web components driving the future of the Web. Harness the power of HTML5 to create web apps and solutions that deliver state-of-the-art media content and interactivity with new Audio, Video, and Canvas elements.

HTML5 technologies are essential knowledge for today's web developers and designers. New APIs such as Local Storage, Geolocation, Web Workers, and more expand the Web as a platform, allowing for desktop-like applications that work uniformly across platforms.

Comprehensive and up-to-date, HTML5 Unleashed is organized as an accessible guide of tutorials and practical references. Because HTML5 covers a far-reaching set of standards, each chapter in HTML5 Unleashed is written to stand on its own. Whether you choose to skip around or read it cover to cover, full-color syntax and figures in HTML5 Unleashed ensure that you do not need to be next to a computer to learn the most important concepts of the modern Web.


  • Use new HTML5 features and syntax to create common web page components in a standardized way, with less code

  • Ensure graceful backward compatibility with "polyfilling" libraries, so users of older browsers are not left behind

  • Harness the power of semantic HTML5 tags and Microdata to improve your site accessibility and search engine results

  • Create consistent, rich user experiences across desktop and mobile platforms with the new Audio and Video elements

  • Create HTML5 Canvas web applications, with chapters dedicated to Canvas interactivity and Canvas performance

  • Utilize the new functionality of Geolocation to display locality-aware content to users and harness the power of GPS

  • Use the new Local Storage options to build pages that work offline and robust apps that can store heavyweight data client-side

  • Allow more sophisticated page communication with Cross-Document Messaging and enable multithreaded JavaScript with Web Workers

  • Communicate with servers in real-time with WebSockets and take advantage of the new Ajax possibilities with XMLHttpRequest Level 2

  • Table of contents

    1. About This eBook
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright Page
    4. Contents at a Glance
    5. Table of Contents
    6. About the Author
    7. Dedication
    8. Acknowledgments
    9. We Want to Hear from You!
    10. Reader Services
    11. Introduction
      1. Who Should Read This Book?
      2. HTML5 and Related Technologies
      3. Software Requirements
      4. Code Examples
      5. How This Book Is Organized
      6. Links and Real-World Examples
    12. Part I: Background
      1. Chapter 1. Why HTML5?
        1. How Did We End Up Here?
        2. HTML5
        3. The Importance of HTML5
        4. Are Plug-ins Dead?
        5. Summary
      2. Chapter 2. Important Concepts for HTML5
        1. The Goals of HTML5
        2. Requisites for HTML5 Development
        3. Summary
    13. Part II: New HTML Elements
      1. Chapter 3. Getting Started with HTML5: Semantic Tags, Forms, and Drag and Drop
        1. Ensuring Backward Compatibility with the New HTML Tags
        2. Starting from the Top
        3. HTML5 Semantic Elements and Other Presentational Tags
        4. HTML5 Forms
        5. Drag and Drop in HTML5
        6. Summary
      2. Chapter 4. Rich Media Tags: Video and Audio
        1. The Video Element
        2. The Audio Element
        3. Encoding Your Media
        4. Supporting Older Browsers
        5. Video and Audio Attributes
        6. JavaScript API
        7. Advantages and Disadvantages of the HTML5 Media Tags Versus Flash
        8. Future Developments
        9. The Embed Element
        10. Summary
    14. Part III: Canvas
      1. Chapter 5. 2D Canvas
        1. Browser Support
        2. What Canvas Can and Cannot Do
        3. When to Not Use Canvas
        4. Getting Started with Canvas
        5. Canvas Attributes
        6. Context Methods and State
        7. Summary of Context State So Far
        8. Saving and Restoring
        9. Transformation Matrix
        10. In-Memory Canvases
        11. Using Images and Other Canvases
        12. Image Data and Pixel Manipulation
        13. Image Security on the Canvas
        14. Gradients and Patterns
        15. Shadows
        16. Compositing
        17. Clipping
        18. Using Text
        19. Canvas Context Recap
        20. Summary
      2. Chapter 6. Making Canvas Interactive and Stateful
        1. Canvas Coordinates—Mouse and Touch
        2. Canvas Animation
        3. Canvas Interactivity Example: Making and Moving Shapes
        4. Summary
      3. Chapter 7. Canvas Performance, Tips, and Peculiarities
        1. Canvas Peculiarities and Tips
        2. A Performance Primer
        3. Summary
      4. Chapter 8. The Future of Canvas and 3D Canvas
        1. The Future of 2D Canvas
        2. 3D (WebGL) Canvas
        3. Summary
    15. Part IV: HTML5’s JavaScript APIs
      1. Chapter 9. Geolocation API
        1. Understanding Latitude and Longitude
        2. Types of Geolocation Data
        3. HTML5 Geolocation API
        4. Geolocation in Action
        5. Summary
      2. Chapter 10. HTML5 Storage Options
        1. Older Storage Methods
        2. Web Storage—sessionStorage and localStorage
        3. WebSQL Database
        4. IndexedDB
        5. FileSystem API for Local Read/Write Access
        6. Offline Pages and the Application Cache
        7. Summary
      3. Chapter 11. Messaging and Web Workers
        1. The Web Messaging API and Cross-Document Messaging
        2. Web Workers
        3. Summary
      4. Chapter 12. Network Communication: WebSockets and XMLHttpRequest Level 2
        1. Real-Time Communication with WebSockets
        2. New AJAX Capabilities with XMLHttpRequest Level 2
        3. Summary
      5. Chapter 13. Microdata, Other Small Things, and Beyond HTML5
        1. Microdata
        2. New Browser Features Not Covered in This Text
        3. The Future
        4. Summary
    16. Index

    Product information

    • Title: HTML5 Unleashed
    • Author(s): Simon Sarris
    • Release date: July 2013
    • Publisher(s): Sams
    • ISBN: 9780133151336