5Healthcare Management-Predictive Analysis (IoRT)

L. Mary Gladence*, V. Maria Anu and Y. Bevish Jinila

Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India


Big Data Analytics is that the strategy for analyzing enormous and changed information sets—i.e., huge learning—to reveal unseen patterns, trends in marketing, unknown correlations, customer inclinations and distinctive supportive data that may encourage associations make more-educated business determinations. There are various techniques to manage these data, among that Sequential Pattern Mining plays a vital role. From the inferences of several Sequential Pattern Mining techniques, Mine Fuzz Change Model is found to be interesting. It performs Sequential Pattern Mining Process by using Similarity Computation Index (SCI). In addition to this, it performs pattern classification process and significant changed pattern set by undertaking the patterns SCI and support values. But this model has the pitfall in the computation of SCI and significant pattern set since it uses the raw data. To avoid this, optimized Fuzzy Time Interval (FTI) is used. It comprised of (i) Fuzzy time interval sequential pattern mining using GA algorithm, (ii) Patterns matching using SCI, (iii) Patterns classification based on SCI value and (iv) Significant pattern evaluation process. Second part of this work is prediction. Here, how the patients have been assessed using belief network has been automated through Internet of Robotic ...

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