Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5
1.2 How this book is organized
This migration and usage guide is intended for use by solution architects and
developers to assist in their migration effort. The focus of this redbook is
migration from Branch Transformation Toolkit version 4.3 to version 5.1,
including migration tools and new development tools.
The migration path covers migration preparation, migrating operation, manual
modification, testing and deployment, as shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 The migration path
This redbook contains the following chapters:
򐂰 Chapter 1, “Introduction to IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit” on page 3
This chapter describes the objectives and organization of the book. The
Branch Transformation Toolkit V5.1 architecture is outlined and a mapping of
concept from Branch Transformation Toolkit version 4.3 to version 5.1 is
Analysis Strategy Planning
Scenario analysis
Tools customization
Presentation layer
Business logic layer
Migration project
Error fixing
Version 5.1 Toolkit
Test and
Client access
HTML client Java client
6 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
This chapter includes the following topics:
1.1, “Objectives” on page 4
1.2, “How this book is organized” on page 5
1.3, “Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 architecture” on page 8
1.4, “Terms and definitions” on page 11
1.5, “Concept mappings” on page 15
򐂰 Chapter 2, “Migration strategy” on page 21
This chapter covers the best practices in migration strategies and discusses
the stages of a migration.
This chapter includes the following topics:
2.1, “Introduction to migration” on page 22
2.2, “Hardware and software requirements” on page 23
2.3, “Migration stages” on page 27
2.4, “Things to do before migration” on page 29
2.5, “Elements of migration” on page 35
򐂰 Chapter 3, “Planning a Branch Transformation Toolkit migration” on page 57
This chapter discusses the methodology for using Branch Transformation
Toolkit and details about the migration activities. The programming model and
topology and customer extensions and limitations are also detailed.
This chapter includes the following topics:
3.1, “Version 5.1 End-to-end programming model” on page 58
3.2, “Application packaging and topology” on page 75
3.3, “Workload management decisions” on page 78
3.5, “Migration considerations for custom extensions” on page 82
3.6, “Limitations” on page 85
򐂰 Chapter 4, “Preparing for migration” on page 89
This chapter outlines the work that must be completed before dealing with a
migration. This comprises consists of several phases, including tool
This chapter includes the following topics:
4.1, “Analysis and preparation” on page 90
4.2, “Setting up the migration tools” on page 91
4.3, “Customizing the migration tools” on page 96
򐂰 Chapter 5, “Migrating an application” on page 97
This chapter talks about how to migrate an application by using the migration
tools provided by the Branch Transformation Toolkit. We migrated a sample
application using this method. A migration project was created before carrying
Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 7
out an automatic migration. The manual work needed to complete the
migration is also described.
This chapter includes the following topics:
5.1, “Creating a new migration project” on page 98
5.2, “Using the migration tools” on page 102
5.3, “Manual modification for migration” on page 115
򐂰 Chapter 6, “Post-migration activities” on page 119
This chapter discusses the post migration activities that are necessary to
complete the migration. This includes the application architecture, operation,
flow, business process, event and communication service, as well as the
development and deployment environment.
This chapter includes the following topics:
6.1, “Sample project requirements” on page 120
6.2, “Importing the required EARs for version 5.1” on page 124
6.3, “Preparing the client and the server” on page 132
6.4, “Adding and modifying code” on page 153
򐂰 Chapter 7, “Testing and deployment” on page 209
This chapter provides details about how to test and deploy the migration
application. We used two types of clients to call the services on the server
side to complete the testing.
This chapter includes the following topics:
7.1, “Configuring the test environment” on page 210
7.2, “Java client” on page 211
7.3, “HTML client” on page 213
7.4, “Application deployment” on page 214
򐂰 Chapter 8, “Building an application with Branch Transformation Toolkit V5.1”
on page 225
This chapter provides information about the sample application we
constructed using Branch Transformation Toolkit V5.1.
This chapter includes the following topics:
8.1, “Before getting started” on page 226
8.2, “Leveraging the WebSphere Studio features” on page 235
8.3, “Developing an application using Branch Transformation Toolkit” on
page 248
8.4, “Developing a rich Java client” on page 431

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