280 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
8.3.4 Creating message formats with Format Editor
Now that contexts and data elements are defined, you should create message
formats with the Format Editor.
The Format Editor provides a graphical and easier way to work with the definition
file of formatters. It visualizes formatters in a Graphical Editor. This relieves you
from the chores of handling XML tags directly. Common editing features such as
cut, copy, paste, delete, undo, redo, load, save, drag-and-drop, reorder, and sort
are included in the Format Editor. With these features, you can work with
message formats quickly and easily.
The way the Format Editor works
When you double-click a Format Editor file, that is files with *.fmte extension, the
Format Editor starts. By default, the definition file dsefmts.xml is loaded. The
editor's configuration file also identifies the name of the CHA Editor file with
which a Format Editor file works.
Working with the CHA Editor file, the Format Editor displays the CHA contexts,
data elements, format elements, and their definitions, in its views. When you
make an addition, modification, or deletion to format elements, CHA contexts, or
data definitions, the editor updates the other views to reflect the changes. For
example, if you create a format definition within the FMTE page of the Editor
view, the Editor adds the format definition to the Outline view and adds the
definition to the format definition file. This means that you can use either the
Editor view or the Outline view to create, modify, and delete format elements.
The Format Editor consists of the following views:
Editor view is the primary view of the Format Editor, consisting of a set of
tabbed pages in which you can edit values:
– FMTE page: This page displays format hierarchy trees that describe the
relationships between various format definitions. Each node in the
Note: Branch Transformation Toolkit does not support forward references,
that is, the definition being referred to must appear before the definition
making the reference. The order in which format definitions appear in
definition files may not match the order used to display the format elements,
data elements, and CHA contexts in various views of the Format Editor.