Running H/F 1 365
Importing service Web project BTTServicesInfraWeb.war
To import the service Web project, follow these steps:
1. Switch to the J2EE Hierarchy view.
2. Right-click BTTBank in the Enterprise Applications folder. Select Import
Import Web Module.
3. In the Import WAR file pop-up window, click Browse and navigate to
<BTT_install_dir>\jars directory. Select BTTServicesInfraWeb.war and
click Open.
4. In the same pop-up window, click New to create a new dynamic Web project,
BTTServicesInfraWeb. Click Finish.
5. The WAR Import pop-up will look as shown in Figure 8-102.
Note: After creating the project, you may see a pop-up dialog asking you to
repair the server configuration. Click OK to add the new project to the
BTTBank EAR project.
366 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
Figure 8-102 Import the BTTServicesInfraWeb Web module
6. Click Finish.
Setting up project properties for BTTServicesInfraWeb
To set up the project properties, follow these steps:
1. Select the Project Navigator view tab. The BTTServicesInfraWeb Project
2. Right-click the BTTServicesInfraWeb project, and select Properties from
the context menu.
3. In the pop-up window, select Java JAR Dependencies. Ensure the
bttbase.jar, bttsvcinfra.jar check box is selected in the JAR/Module list.
Click Apply.
4. In the same pop-up window, select Java Build Path, and then click the
Libraries tab. Click Add JARs to add the bttbase.jar from BTTBank project.
Running H/F 1 367
5. Click the Projects tab. Select bttsvcinfraEJB project, and then click OK, as
shown in Figure 8-103.
Figure 8-103 Add bttsvcinfraEJB project into build path
Constructing the Dummy Journal service
This section discusses creating the Java classes and properties files for the
Dummy Journal service. A new Java project should be created to host the
implementation of the service. This increases the reusability of the
Creating the DummyJournal Java project
To create the DummyJournal Java project, follow these steps:
1. From the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition menu,
select File New Project.
368 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
2. In the pop-up window, select Java from the left navigation panel, and then
select Java Project from the right panel. Click Next.
3. Type DummyJournal in the Project name field. Click Finish. See Figure 8-104.
Figure 8-104 Create DummyJournal Java project
Setting up project properties for DummyJournal
To set up the project, follow these steps:
1. Select the Project Navigator view tab or the Package Explorer view tab if
you switched to Java perspective. The DummyJournal project opens.
2. Right-click the DummyJournal project, and select Properties from the
context menu.
3. In the pop-up window, select Java Build Path, and then click the Libraries
tab. Click Add JARs to add five JARs, that is, bttbase.jar, bttfmt.jar,
bttsvcinfra.jar, bttjdbjsvc.jar, and bttjdbtsvc.jar from BTTBank project.
4. Add JavaSource as the source folder. Select the Source tab, and click Add
Folder. In the Source Folder Selection dialog, click Create New Folder. Type
Running H/F 1 369
JavaSource in the folder name field, and then click OK. Another pop-up dialog
box opens, asking you whether you want to add DummyJournal/bin as the
output folder. Click OK, as shown in Figure 8-105.
Figure 8-105 Add JavaSource as the project’s source folder
Implementing DummyJournal service
To create the DummyJournal class, perform the following tasks:
1. Expand DummyJournal project, and right-click the JavaSource folder.
Select New Package from the context menu. Type in
the Name field of the New Java Package dialog. Click Finish.
2. Right-click the package, select New Class to create a
Java class. Input the following properties to create the class, and click Finish:
–Name: DummyJournal

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