370 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
See Figure 8-106.
Figure 8-106 Create the DummyJournal class
To implement the DummyJournal class, perform the following steps:
1. Add the import statements shown in Example 8-21.
Example 8-21 Additional import statements for DummyJournal.java
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import com.ibm.btt.base.Settings;
import com.ibm.btt.base.DSEObjectNotFoundException;
import com.ibm.btt.base.Tag;
import com.ibm.btt.base.TagAttribute;
2. Implement the addRecord(Context arg0, String arg1) method as shown in
Example 8-22.
Running H/F 1 371
Example 8-22 Implemented addRecord(Context arg0, String arg1) method for
public int addRecord(Context arg0, String arg1)
throws DSEInvalidArgumentException, DSEInvalidRequestException,
DSEInternalErrorException, DSESQLException {
FormatElement formatter = null;
Hashtable dataHashtable = null;
String show = null;
try {
show=(String) Settings.getSettings().getValueAt("showMessagesOnServer");
} catch (DSEObjectNotFoundException e){
show = "false";
try {
formatter = new FormatElement();
dataHashtable = formatter.formatHashtable(arg0);
} catch(Exception e) {
if (show.equals("true")) {
if (dataHashtable != null) {
if (show.equals("true")) {
String message = "The 'addRecord' method is now executed\n" +
"The following data is added to the journal:\n\n" +
"Dummy journal service",
return 0;
3. Implement the updateRecord(int arg0, Context arg1, String arg2) as shown in
Example 8-23.
Example 8-23 Implemented updateRecord(int arg0, Context arg1, String arg2) method
for DummyJournal.java
public int updateRecord(int arg0, Context arg1, String arg2)
DSEInvalidRequestException, DSEInvalidArgumentException,
DSEInternalErrorException, DSESQLException {
372 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
FormatElement formatter = null;
Hashtable dataHashtable = null;
String show = null;
try {
show=(String) Settings.getSettings().getValueAt("showMessagesOnServer");
} catch (DSEObjectNotFoundException e) {
try {
formatter = new FormatElement();
dataHashtable = formatter.formatHashtable(arg1);
} catch(Exception e) {
if (show.equals("true")) {
if (dataHashtable != null) {
if (show.equals("true")) {
String message = "to be updated with host reply data.\n" +
"The following data added to the journal:\n\n" +
"Dummy journal service",
return 0;
4. Save and close the Java Editor.
To create the DummyJournalImpl class, do the following:
1. Right-click the btt.bank.services package, select New Class to create a
Java class.
2. Input the following properties to create the class:
–Name: DummyJournalImpl
Superclass: com.ibm.btt.services.jdbcjournalservice.JournalImpl
3. Click Finish.
Running H/F 1 373
Adding DummyJournal to BTTBank EAR project
To add the DummyJourna to BTTBank project, follow these steps:
1. Switch to the J2EE perspective, and expand the BTTBank project.
2. Double-click EAR Deployment Descriptor.
3. Click the Module tab.
4. Click Add in the Project Utility Jars section, as shown in Figure 8-107.
Figure 8-107 Click Add to add project utility JARs
Note: Since it is a dummy journal service, do not put any code in
DummyJournalImpl class.
374 IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit 5.1 Migration and Usage Guidelines
5. In the pop-up Add Utility JAR dialog, select DummyJournal, and then click
Finish, as shown in Figure 8-108.
Figure 8-108 Select the DummyJournal project
6. Click OK when the Repair Server Configuration dialog pops up.
7. Press Ctrl+S to save the change.
Adding DummyJournal to bttsvcinfraEJB EJB project
To add the DummyJournal to the bttvcinfraEJB project, follow these steps:
1. In the J2EE perspective, right-click the EJB module bttsvcinfraEJB. Select
Properties from the context menu.

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