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Appendix B. Setting up a Branch
Transformation Toolkit
sample application
The toolkit application can be set up to run in the WebSphere test environment
within WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1.1 or on
WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.1.
The Java client sample application includes a J2EE enterprise application (EAR)
file containing everything you need to run this sample. The procedures contained
in the first section describe how to set up or configure the EAR file and deploy it.
The HTML sample application can be set up to run in the WebSphere test
environment within WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition
5.1.1 . The HTML sample application includes a EAR file containing everything
you need to run this sample. The procedures contained in the second section
describes how to set up or configure the EAR file and deploy it.
All the resources needed by sample applications are provided by the Branch
Transformation Toolkit after it is installed successfully.

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