108 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
4.4.2 Details reports
EWLM provides detail reports about the functioning of various elements. This section
includes a sample of each of those reports so you can become familiar with the type of
information available.
Process class details
You obtain the Process class details report (Figure 4-28) by selecting the Process class
details on the pull-down menu. The following information is returned:
– Service class associated with this process class
– Goal type and the related goal
– Managed server where it is active
– Statistics calculated in the displayed interval for CPU usage, storage delay, and I/O
Figure 4-28 Process class detail report
Service class details
You obtain the Service class details report (Figure 4-29) by selecting Service class details on
the pull-down menu. The following information is returned:
– Goal type and the goal
– Importance level
– Transaction classes associated to this service class
– Statistics calculated in the displayed interval for:
• Performance Index
• Transactions (total, successfully completed, failed, stopped, ended unknown):
Completed successfully: The number of transactions associated with this service
class that finished processing.
Failed: The number of transactions associated with this service class that failed to
complete successfully.
Stopped: The number of transactions associated with this service class that
stopped being processed before they completed or failed.
Chapter 4. Administering EWLM 109
Ended in unknown state: The number of transactions associated with this service
class that did not end in a completed, failed, or aborted state.
Total: The total number of transactions that are associated with this service class.
On the bottom of the screen (not shown here) there is also a graphical view of the response
time distribution. It is only shown when the goals are average or percentile response time
Figure 4-29 Service class details report
Transaction class details
You obtain the Transaction class details report (Figure 4-30) by selecting Transaction class
details on the pull-down menu. The following information is returned:
– Service class associated with the transaction class
– Goal type and the goal
– Importance level
– Statistics calculated in the displayed interval for:
• Performance
• Standard deviation
• Transactions (total, successfully completed, failed, stopped, ended unknown).
On the bottom of the screen (not shown here) there is also a graphical view of the response
time distribution. It is only shown when the associated service class goals are average or
percentile response time goals.
110 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
Figure 4-30 Transaction class details report
Managed server details
You obtain the Managed server details report (Figure 4-31 and Figure 4-32) by selecting the
Managed server detailed statistics on the pull-down menu. The following information is
– Average processor utilization %
– Real memory (Kb)
– Number of logical processors
– Page fault rate
– Application environment - you can see the ARM enabled middleware running on this
server (application name and group name):
• For the Web server you can see an entry similar to EWLM1/PID= 1632 - IBM
Webserving Plugin[IBM_HTTP_Server/2.0.47 Apache/2.0.47 (Win32)] where
EWLM1 is the hostname and PID is the process ID for the HTTP.
• For the WebSphere Application Server you can see an entry similar to
ewlm2.TradeClusterServer1 - WebSphere[ewlm2Network] where
ewlm2.TradeClusterServer1 is the application server name and ewlm2Network is
the EWLM naming for the WebSphere Application Server cluster.
• For the DB2 you can see IBM DB2 Universal Database[db2inst1].
– List of the Service classes active on this managed server with the following details:
• Service class name
• Processor usage %
• Processor delay %
• Storage delay %
• I/O delay %
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