108 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
4.4.2 Details reports
EWLM provides detail reports about the functioning of various elements. This section
includes a sample of each of those reports so you can become familiar with the type of
information available.
Process class details
You obtain the Process class details report (Figure 4-28) by selecting the Process class
details on the pull-down menu. The following information is returned:
Service class associated with this process class
Goal type and the related goal
Managed server where it is active
Statistics calculated in the displayed interval for CPU usage, storage delay, and I/O
Figure 4-28 Process class detail report
Service class details
You obtain the Service class details report (Figure 4-29) by selecting Service class details on
the pull-down menu. The following information is returned:
Goal type and the goal
Importance level
Transaction classes associated to this service class
Statistics calculated in the displayed interval for:
Performance Index
Transactions (total, successfully completed, failed, stopped, ended unknown):
Completed successfully: The number of transactions associated with this service
class that finished processing.
Failed: The number of transactions associated with this service class that failed to
complete successfully.
Stopped: The number of transactions associated with this service class that
stopped being processed before they completed or failed.
Chapter 4. Administering EWLM 109
Ended in unknown state: The number of transactions associated with this service
class that did not end in a completed, failed, or aborted state.
Total: The total number of transactions that are associated with this service class.
On the bottom of the screen (not shown here) there is also a graphical view of the response
time distribution. It is only shown when the goals are average or percentile response time
Figure 4-29 Service class details report
Transaction class details
You obtain the Transaction class details report (Figure 4-30) by selecting Transaction class
details on the pull-down menu. The following information is returned:
Service class associated with the transaction class
Goal type and the goal
Importance level
Statistics calculated in the displayed interval for:
Standard deviation
Transactions (total, successfully completed, failed, stopped, ended unknown).
On the bottom of the screen (not shown here) there is also a graphical view of the response
time distribution. It is only shown when the associated service class goals are average or
percentile response time goals.
110 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
Figure 4-30 Transaction class details report
Managed server details
You obtain the Managed server details report (Figure 4-31 and Figure 4-32) by selecting the
Managed server detailed statistics on the pull-down menu. The following information is
Average processor utilization %
Real memory (Kb)
Number of logical processors
Page fault rate
Application environment - you can see the ARM enabled middleware running on this
server (application name and group name):
For the Web server you can see an entry similar to EWLM1/PID= 1632 - IBM
Webserving Plugin[IBM_HTTP_Server/2.0.47 Apache/2.0.47 (Win32)] where
EWLM1 is the hostname and PID is the process ID for the HTTP.
For the WebSphere Application Server you can see an entry similar to
ewlm2.TradeClusterServer1 - WebSphere[ewlm2Network] where
ewlm2.TradeClusterServer1 is the application server name and ewlm2Network is
the EWLM naming for the WebSphere Application Server cluster.
For the DB2 you can see IBM DB2 Universal Database[db2inst1].
List of the Service classes active on this managed server with the following details:
Service class name
Processor usage %
Processor delay %
Storage delay %
I/O delay %

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