Chapter 5. The ITSO EWLM scenario 141
This phase includes these steps:
1. Defining classification filters for each transaction and process class
2. Creating the domain policy at the EWLM Control Center
5.5.1 Defining classification filters for each transaction and process class
As mentioned before, transaction and process classes are a named set of classification filters
for mapping work requests to service classes based on transaction or process characteristics
as defined by the middleware or operating system. If a work requests properties match the
filter, the work request is classified to the service class. We create classification filters for all
transaction classes and process classes. For more information on how filter works, refer to
4.2.1, “Classifying your workload” on page 88.
Defining filters for transaction classes
The definition of filters for transaction classes contains the following attributes:
򐂰 Position - Specifies an order for EWLM to use the transaction classes.
Work requests are compared to the positional filters specified in the transaction class,
starting at position one. We have two general transaction classes, TC_Trade3_general
and TC_Plants_general, which classify the work request for each Web application that
has no action parameter. These transaction classes have higher numbered positions than
any other transaction classes.
򐂰 Transaction class name - Defined in “Defining transaction classes” on page 135.
򐂰 Application - For all of our transaction classes, our application is the IBM Webserving
Plugin since all of our workloads come through the edge application, which is the IBM
HTTP Server.
򐂰 Filter type - is specific to the application or platform that processes the work request.
A plus (+) character placed in front of a filter type means this filter is nested inside the filter
above. You can nest a filter rule inside of another filter rule by clicking the right arrow icon
when you create rules at the EWLM Control Center. This is shown in Figure 5-10. If
the workload matches the first rule, it compares to the nested rule. We use as first rule
EWLM:URI to distinguish the Web application. As second rule we use a QueryString to
identify the action parameter in the query string of the work request.
Figure 5-10 Nested rules
Note: Use high numbered positions for filters that are more general and low numbered
position for filters that are more specific. The highest numbered position specifies the
default transaction class in position that uses the default service class. Transaction
classes are applied on a first match basis for transactions. The recommendation that
transaction classes for the most frequent transactions should be in the lower position is
not always possible because of the first match approach. Because of first match, the
most specific transaction classes need to be first.
142 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
򐂰 Filter operation - Equal or Not Equal.
򐂰 Filter value - Specifies a value to use for the rule.
You can specify mask (\?) or wildcard (\*) in the filter value. The mask can be used to
represent any single character. The wildcard can be used to represent a series of any
characters. Filter value cannot contain a leading question mark in the query string. Note
that our general transaction classes, TC_Trade3_general and TC_Plants_general, have
only EWLM:URI filter type in order to classify work requests which do not have action
parameter in the query string.
Table 5-18 shows our definition of filters for our transaction classes. These are done similarly
for all transaction classes as described in the previous example.
Table 5-18 Definition of filters for transaction classes
Note: Wildcard (\*) must be used at the end of a filter value because it represents
multiple characters.
Position Transaction class name Application Filter type Filter
Filter value
1 TC_Trade3_buy IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=buy(\*)
2 TC_Trade3_sell IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=sell(\*)
3 TC_Trade3_account IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=account(\*)
4 TC_Trade3_register IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=register(\*)
5 TC_Trade3_update_profile IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=update_profile(\*)
6 TC_Trade3_home IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=home(\*)
7 TC_Trade3_logout IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=logout(\*)
8 TC_Trade3_portfolio IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=portfolio(\*)
9 TC_Trade3_quotes IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /trade(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=quotes(\*)
10 TC_Plants_login IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /PlantsByWebSphere(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=login(\*)
11 TC_Plants_register IBM Webserving
EWLM:URI Equal /PlantsByWebSphere(\*)
+ QueryString Equal action=register(\*)

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