Chapter 5. Tape solutions 125
Additional information
For the latest product and support information, refer to these Web sites:
򐂰 IBM 3584 Ultrium UltraScalable Tape Library
򐂰 IBM 2109 Fibre Channel switch
򐂰 IBM 2108 SAN Data Gateway
򐂰 SAN information
򐂰 Tivoli Storage Manager
5.3 Disaster tolerant tape implementation
The previous section looked at solutions for remote tape vaulting. This section looks at
disaster tolerance. The similarity between remote tape vaulting and disaster tolerance is
extended distance, and the main difference is that, for a fully disaster tolerant solution, two
tape libraries are required.
Unlike disk storage systems, most tape libraries do not have mirror or remote mirror
capability. This means that the second copy needs to be initiated externally by a server. You
can do this in many ways, depending on the total disaster tolerant implementation which
includes server, disk, tape, and software.
A typical disaster tolerant implementation consists of duplicate servers in a cluster and
duplicate disk storage with peer-to-peer remote copy. However, the demand to include
back-up and restore as part of a complete disaster tolerant solutions is increasing.
9001 Driveless frame
2109-S16 SAN Fibre Channel Switch 2
2010 Shortwave GBIC 14
2020 Longwave GBIC 4
6106 Additional power supply 2
Included StorWatch SAN Fibre Channel switch Specialist 1
2108-G07 SAN Data Gateway 2
2214 Dual SW Fibre switch port 2
2319 Additional single Fibre Channel longwave port 4
Included StorWatch SAN Data Gateway Specialist 1
5698-TSM Tivoli Storage Manager
Product or
feature code
Description Qty

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