78 IBM Tivoli Netcool Service Quality Manager Data Mediation Gateway Development
Sample output CSV file
The sample output CSV file from the gateway conforms to the 3GPP naming
convention A20081010.1500-20081010.1515_1_GGSN.csv. Example A-3 shows
the sample content of the CSV file.
Example: A-3 Sample output CSV file
As noted in 3.5, “Developing the post parser configuration for Motorola GGSN”
on page 58, the CSV_Writer.pm must be modified to suppress the comments at
the beginning and ending of the output file. The modified CSV_Writer_ITSO.pm is
shown in Example A-4.
Example: A-4 Modified CSV_Writer.pm
# %Z% %M% %I% %G% %Z%
# File: CSV_Writer_ITSO.pm
# Desc: this package contains the fucntions that are used to write the
# information out in Comma Separated Value (CSV).
# (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1998, 2008. All rights reserved.
package CSV_Writer_ITSO;
use strict;
require Exporter;
require AutoLoader;
Appendix A. Sample data and programs listing for gateways 79
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT = qw( );
$VERSION = '0.02';
use GenUtils;
use RecordsUtils;
use FileHandle;
use AudLog;
# Sub: New
# Desc: Creates the output object instance
# Params: None
# Returns: The created object
sub New {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {@_};
# create records object when record entries exists
if ( exists($self->{OUTPUT_RECORD_KEY}) ) {
$self->{records_obj} = RecordsUtils->get_records_object(
$self->{filename} = undef;
$self->{filehandle} = undef;
$self->{store} = "";
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
80 IBM Tivoli Netcool Service Quality Manager Data Mediation Gateway Development
# Sub: Open
# Desc: Open a output file
# Params: $file - the name of the output file
# Returns: Nothing
sub Open($) {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
# temp filename?
if ($filename =~ /.pt$/){
$self->{filename} = $self->{tmp_file} = $filename;
$self->{filename} =~ s/(\.pt)$/\.csv/;
else {
$self->{filename} = $self->{tmp_file} = $filename;
$self->{tmp_file} .= ".pt";
if( -e $self->{filename} ) {
LogMess("CSV_Writer: WARNING: $self->{filename} already exists,
overwriting", 3);
$self->{tmp_file} = $self->{filename} . ".pt";
$self->{filehandle} = new FileHandle;
$self->{filehandle}->open("> $self->{tmp_file}")
or LogMess("Can't open $self->{filename} for output", 1);
# Write header lines to the file.
#$self->{store} .= "# CSV Output File Start\n";
# Sub: Open_Block
# Desc: Open a block in the output file. In the case of CSV
Appendix A. Sample data and programs listing for gateways 81
# output nothing happens
# Params: $name - name of the block to open
# Returns: Nothing
sub Open_Block() {
# Sub: WriteToFile
# Desc: Writes the cached output to file
# Params: none;
# Returns: Nothing
sub WriteToFile() {
my $self = shift;
$self->{filehandle}->print( $self->{store} );
$self->{store} = "";
# Sub: Write_Comment
# Desc: Writes out a comment to the output file
# Params: $comment - the comment to write
# Returns: nothing
sub Write_Comment() {
(shift)->{store} .= "# ".(shift)."\n";
82 IBM Tivoli Netcool Service Quality Manager Data Mediation Gateway Development
# Sub: Block_Info
# Desc: This function prints all the elements of a hash to the
# output string. The reference is supplied as an argument.
# It checks if the value of the hash element has any length.
# If there is no length then nothing is printed.
# Params: $href - reference to a counter=value hash
# $counter_order - optional array specifying counter output
# Returns: Nothing
sub Block_Info() {
my ($self, $href, $counter_order) = @_;
# save the header data as it's output per line
if (defined($counter_order) && scalar(@$counter_order)){
@{$self->{HEADER_NAMES}} = @$counter_order;
@{$self->{HEADER_VALUES}} = map { (defined $href->{$_}) ?
$href->{$_} :
} @$counter_order;
else {
@{$self->{HEADER_NAMES}} = keys %$href;
@{$self->{HEADER_VALUES}} = values %$href;
$self->{CREATE_BLOCK} = undef;
# Sub: Create_Block
# Desc: This function opens, writes the information and closes
# the block.
# Params: $block - the name of the block
# $cref - reference to counter=value hash
# $counter_order - order of the data counters (optional)

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