56 IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE V3.1 – Deep Dive on z/OS
4. In the Set Up Work Environment menu, shown in Figure 3-7:
a. Type 1 (Specify options) to specify allocation and processing values that
will be used to create the work data sets that are needed by the
Configuration tool.
b. Type 2 (Allocate work libraries) to allocate the configuration tool work
Figure 3-7 Set up the work environment
3.3.3 Working with the runtime environment
When the configuration tool is ready, we use it to define the runtime environment.
Back in the Main Menu (Figure 3-6 on page 55), type 3 to configure products. We
do not select 2 to install the product as installation is performed using SMP/E
outside of the configuration tool. Figure 3-8 on page 57 shows the Configure
Products menu. Type 1 to set up the configuration environment.
--------------------------- SET UP WORK ENVIRONMENT ------------------------
Last selected
Enter the number to select an option: Date Time
1 Specify options 05/11/01 15:57
2 Allocate work libraries 05/11/10 11:16
Note: Once you create and submit the "Allocate work libraries" job,
you must exit the installer and allow the job to run before
restarting the installer.
F1=Help F3=Back
Note: After you create and submit the Allocate work libraries job, you must exit
the configuration tool and allow the job to run before starting the configuration
tool again.
Chapter 3. Installation and configuration: IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE 57
Figure 3-8 Configure products menu
Figure 3-9 shows the setup for the configuration environment. We provide the
high-level qualifier that we use in our environment.
Figure 3-9 Configuration environment and high level qualifiers
Back at the Configure Products menu in Figure 3-8, type 2 to choose the product.
------------------------------ CONFIGURE PRODUCTS---------------------------
OPTION ===> 1
Enter the number to select an option:
1 Set up configuration environment
2 Select product to configure
I Configuration information <=== Revised
S Services and utilities
F1=Help F3=Back
----------------------- SET UP CONFIGURATION ENVIRONMENT--------------------
*** High-level qualifiers are locked.
RTE allocation routine ==> IKJEFT01 (IKJEFT01/IEFBR14)
Runtime Unit/ Storclas/
Datasets High-Level Qualifier VolSer Mgmtclas PDSE
Work ................................ SYSDA
Datasets High-Level Qualifier
58 IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE V3.1 – Deep Dive on z/OS
The list in Figure 3-10 shows the products that are installed and available to be
configured in this system. We use IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE on z/OS V3.1.0 as
the first product that we configure. Depending on your environment, you may
have different lists and choose a different product.
Figure 3-10 Product selection menu
As this is the first OMEGAMON product that we configure, we have not defined
any runtime environment (RTE), hence we need to define our RTE. Depending
on how you would use the RTE, you can either define a full RTE or a set of base
RTE and sharing RTEs.
We install OMEGAMON in a sharing RTE as we will install an RTE on each of
our LPARs. Our DASD is shared across the sysplex environment. Allocating a
sharing RTE defines only private libraries, and will share the base libraries with
our base RTE.
1. First we add our base RTE called BASE. We type A in the Action field as shown
in Figure 3-11.
Figure 3-11 Base RTE creation
---------------------------- PRODUCT SELECTION MENU ------------------------
Actions: S Select product
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS V3.1.0
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V3.1.0
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON for Mainframe Networks V3.1.0
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS V3.1.0
s IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON on z/OS V3.1.0
OMEGAMON for OS/390 UNIX System Services V220
F1=Help F3=Back F5=Refresh F7=Up F8=Down
------------------------- RUNTIME ENVIRONMENTS (RTEs)-----------------------
Actions: A Add RTE, B Build libraries, C Configure,
L Load all product libraries after SMP/E,
D Delete, U Update, V View values, Z Utilities
Action Name Type Sharing Description
a BASE BASE Base RTE for SC52, SC69, SC67
Enter=Next F1=Help F3=Back F7=Up F8=Down

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