Chapter 4. Planning and monitoring tools 117
4.3.4 Using IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Disk
This section provides a step-by-step guide to configure and use performance Manager
functions provided by the TotalStorage Productivity Center for Disk.
Performance Manager GUI
The Performance Manager Graphical User Interface can be launched from the IBM Director
console interface. After logging on to IBM Director, you will see a screen as in Figure 4-26. On
the right most tasks pane, you will see the Manage Performance launch menu. It is
highlighted and expanded in the figure shown.
Figure 4-26 IBM Director console with Performance Manager
Exploiting Performance Manager
You can use the Performance Manager component of the TotalStorage Productivity Center for
Disk to manage and monitor the performance of the storage devices that TotalStorage
Productivity Center for disk supports.
Performance Manager provides the following functions:
򐂰 Collecting data from devices
1. You should refer to the following Web sites for the updated support summaries,
including specific software, hardware, and firmware levels supported.
2. The IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center program pre-configures the TCP/IP ports
used by WebSphere.
Ensure that TCP/IP connection characteristics are authorized through your network.
118 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
򐂰 Configuring performance thresholds
򐂰 Viewing performance data
The installation of the performance Manager onto an existing TotalStorage Productivity
Center for Disk server provides a new
Manage performance task tree on the right-hand side
of the TotalStorage Productivity Center for Disk host.
This task tree includes the subtasks as seen in Figure 4-27.
Figure 4-27 Performance Manager tasks
Performance Manager data collection
The Performance Manager collects data from the IBM TotalStorage DS6000, setting a
particular performance data collection frequency and duration of collection. Once
Performance Manager receives data collected, it processes the performance data and saves
it in Performance Manager database tables.
To collect performance data, you have to create data collection tasks for the supported,
discovered storage devices. To create task, you have to specify
򐂰 A task name
򐂰 A brief description of the task
򐂰 The sample frequency in minutes
򐂰 The duration of data collection task (in hours)
Figure 4-28 on page 119 is an example of the panel you should see when you create the
performance Data Collection task on a DS6000.
Note: All figures below are taken from the DS8000, but the DS6000 view is the same.
Chapter 4. Planning and monitoring tools 119
Figure 4-28 DS8000/DS6000 Data Collection Task
Once the task is created, you can execute it immediately or define a scheduled job for this
To check the status of all defined tasks, you can access the Task Status. This tool gives
details of tasks including task status (for example: running, competed...), device ID, Device
status, Error Message ID, and Error message.
Managing Performance Manager database
The collected performance data is stored in a backend DB2 database. This database needs
to be maintained in order to keep relevant data in the database. You may decide frequency for
purging old data based on your organization’s requirements.
Performance Manager gauges
Once data collection is complete, you may use the gauges task to retrieve information about a
variety of storage device metrics.
Gauges are used to tunnel down to the level of detail necessary to isolate performance issues
on the storage device. To view information collected by the Performance Manager, a gauge
must be created or a custom script written to access the DB2 tables/fields directly.
The metrics available change depending on whether the cluster, Rank Group or volume items
are selected.
Two types of gauges are available:
򐂰 Performance
򐂰 Exception
DS6000 Server performance gauges values provide details on:
򐂰 Total I/O rate: Cluster level (server0/server1) total I/O request rate
Note: Data collection tasks can be defined with one or more storage devices. By selecting
several storage devices, you can collect performance data from different storage
subsystems. In this case, the collection data will have the same characteristics (sample
frequency and duration of data collection).
120 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
򐂰 % I/O requests delayed due to NVS: Percentage of I/O requests that have been delayed
due to NVS memory (persistent memory) shortage.
Figure 4-29 shows the different values available at the DS6000 cluster level.
Figure 4-29 DS8000/DS6000 Cluster level gauge values
DS6000 Rank Group (Rank) performance gauges provide details on:
򐂰 Total I/O: DS6000 lower interface total I/O per second
򐂰 Reads/second: DS6000 lower interface reads per seconds
򐂰 Writes/second: DS6000 lower interface writes per seconds
򐂰 AVG. response time: Average response time for the lower interface in milliseconds
Figure 4-30 on page 121 shows the different values available at the DS6000 Rank Group

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