256 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
The variables in this command are as follows:
was_home is the directory where WebSphere Application Server is installed.
dm_host is the host name of the computer where you installed Deployment
dm_port is the Deployment Manager SOAP connector-address. The default
value is 8879.
admin_user_id is the administrator ID that you used to administer the
application server and log in to the WebSphere Application Server
Administrative Console.
admin_password is the password for the administrator ID used to administer
the application server.
The includeapps command transfers the complete set of applications installed
on this node into the master configuration for Deployment Manager. This should
be included only when adding the first node to the cell.
To avoid Web server plug-in configuration problems, the WpsAdminconsole
Enterprise Application must be removed from the master configuration of the cell.
7.5.2 Installing WebSphere Everyplace Access Services
The base component for WebSphere Everyplace Access is the WebSphere
Everyplace Access Services. All other servers should be installed only after
installing the WebSphere Everyplace Access Services. Installing WebSphere
Everyplace Access Services is a two-step process. The first step is to laydown
the installation file set and then configure the specific components, such as the
database, portal extensions, or the server on appropriate nodes. The install files
have to copied to the database machine, server machine, and the portal
Installing the WebSphere Everyplace Access Services file set
You must install the WebSphere Everyplace Access Services files on the
database node, WebSphere Portal node, and the WebSphere Application Server
nodes. Installing the WebSphere Everyplace Access Services file set copies the
files onto the local file system. You have to configure the WebSphere Everyplace
Access Services databases, portal integration services, and the client services
on appropriate nodes later. To lay down the install file sets:
1. Insert the Setup disc into the CD-ROM drive and run install.bat from the root
directory of the CD.
2. Select Component Install and click Next.