Chapter 9. WebSphere Connection Manager integration 323
6. Select the class ibm-wlUser. Click Add as shown in Figure 9-21.
Figure 9-21 Add auxiliary class (2 of 2)
7. Click Next, and then Finish. Logout from IBM Directory Server Web
Administration Tool.
9.3.2 Running the sample scenario
When you run the sample scenario, log in to Everyplace Connection Manager
using the WebSphere Everyplace Access user, which has also been enabled for
Everyplace Connection Manager. For example, using Everyplace Connection
Manager HTTP Services:
1. Access WebSphere Everyplace Access portal by connecting to Everyplace
Connection Manager using the following URL:
2. When receiving a certificate signed by an unrecognized Certificate Authority
(for example, a self-signed certificate), you will receive a security alert. For
testing purposes, accept the security alert.
3. As shown in Figure 9-22 on page 324, log in to Connection Manager with a
valid user. Click Login Now.
324 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
Figure 9-22 Everyplace Connection Manager integrated login
4. After you are authenticated by Everyplace Connection Manager, you have
access to the WebSphere Everyplace Access welcome page. Log in to
WebSphere Everyplace Access with the same user ID and password as
shown in Figure 9-23.
Figure 9-23 WebSphere Everyplace Access integrated login

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