214 IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5, Volume IV: Advanced Topics
Example 6-1 Sample atlas.properties file
logFileName=atlas.log traceFileName=atlas.trace
# Set to one of 'warn', 'info' or 'error'.
logLevel = warn
#Set to one of "high", "medium", "low", or "none".
traceLevel = none
clientName = dummy
clientPassword = dummy
defaultUserLanguagePreference = en
#<service-type>FailoverPolicyClass =
# Specifies the default failover policy class. If not set, defaults to
# com.ibm.atlas.system.DefaultServiceFailoverPolicy.
#defaultFailoverPolicyClass =
#Coordinate reference system classes
CRS.WGS84.className = com.ibm.atlas.geometry.WGS84ReferenceSystem
CRS.EPSG:4326.className = com.ibm.atlas.geometry.WGS84ReferenceSystem
10.Modify the service properties and the properties file of the service provider.
The properties file must be located in the directory as specified in the
atlas.properties file. For the adapters provided along with Location Aware
Services, the properties file are under the directory
11.The properties file is used by the Location Aware Services Engine to select
the appropriate adapter depending on the serviceType and serviceName
(service provider). Also, this properties file specifies the location of the
initPropertiesFile. Example 6-2 shows the service properties file for the
mapping service provided by Webraska.
12.The service provider properties file contains information required by the
adapter. The parameters in the properties file depend on the service provider.
Example 6-3 on page 215 shows the Webraska adapter’s properties file.
Example 6-2 Mapping Service properties
serviceType = mapping
className = com.ibm.atlas.adapters.webraska.WebraskaMappingService
serviceName = webraska-na.MappingService
initPropertiesFile = webraska-na/init.properties