Book description
This IBM Redbooks publication is part of a series of four volumes related to WebSphere® Everyplace® Access Version 5.0. These Redbooks will help you plan, install, administer and develop mobile applications to run in a WebSphere® Everyplace® Access Version 5.0 environment. The information provided in these Redbooks target business-to-employee (B2E) enterprise applications, but most of the scenarios presented will apply to business-to-consumer (B2C) applications as well. In these Redbooks, you will find step-by-step examples and scenarios showing ways to integrate your enterprise applications into a WebSphere Everyplace Access environment using the WebSphere Studio Site Developer and the Everyplace Toolkit, and extend your online and offline application capabilities to use other advanced functions.
In this book you will also find step-by-step sample scenarios illustrating procedures to develop online applications using WebSphere Studio Site Developer and WebSphere Application Site Developer along with the WebSphere Everyplace Toolkit. Sample scenarios also include offline applications using Offline Portal Content and Forms, Transcoding, and DB2e applications using the WebSphere Studio Device Developer.
A basic knowledge of Java technologies such as servlets, JavaBeans, EJBs, JavaServer Pages (JSPs), as well as XML applications and the terminology used in Web publishing, is assumed.
The following IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5 Handbook for Developers and Administrators Redbooks are part of this offering:
Volume I: Installation and Administration, SG24-6462
Volume II: Application Development, SG24-6463
Volume III: E-Mail and Database Synchronization, SG24-6676
Volume IV: Advanced Topics, SG24-6677
Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.
Table of contents
- Notices
- Preface
Part 1: Online applications
- Chapter 1: My first pervasive portlet application
- Chapter 2: Portlet action event handling
- Chapter 3: Portlet messaging
Chapter 4: National Language Support (NLS)
- Resource bundles (1/2)
- Resource bundles (2/2)
- Translating whole resources
- NLS administration
- Working with characters
- NLS best practices
- Sample scenario: NLS bundles (1/4)
- Sample scenario: NLS bundles (2/4)
- Sample scenario: NLS bundles (3/4)
- Sample scenario: NLS bundles (4/4)
- Sample scenario: translating whole resources (1/2)
- Sample scenario: translating whole resources (2/2)
Chapter 5: Developing a database access portlet
- Create a test database and populate the table
- Use the wizard to generate the portlet (1/3)
- Use the wizard to generate the portlet (2/3)
- Use the wizard to generate the portlet (3/3)
- Use the Portal Test Environment to test the portlet
- Export the portlet application
- Deploy to your WEA/Portal server (1/3)
- Deploy to your WEA/Portal server (2/3)
- Deploy to your WEA/Portal server (3/3)
- Execute the portlet from a Pocket PC
- Use proper driver if the database is not DB2 (1/2)
- Use proper driver if the database is not DB2 (2/2)
- Chapter 6: Using the Credential Vault
- Chapter 7: Accessing Web Services
Part 2: Transcoding
- Chapter 8: Transcoding Technology
Chapter 9: A sample scenario using Transcoding Technology
- Overview
- WebSphere Everyplace Access configuration
- Text transcoding
- Image transcoding
- Fragmentation portlet (1/3)
- Fragmentation portlet (2/3)
- Fragmentation portlet (3/3)
- Annotations (1/3)
- Annotations (2/3)
- Annotations (3/3)
- Using external annotators
- Using stylesheets (1/3)
- Using stylesheets (2/3)
- Using stylesheets (3/3)
Part 3: Offline applications
Chapter 10: Building a portlet for offline browsing
- Build a portlet to fetch content from a Web site
- Using a transcoding annotator plugin for Web clipping
- Export the portlet to your local file system
- Deploy and configure the portlet for offline access
- Running the portlet online
- Configure Everyplace Client for offline access
- Running offline browsing on a PDA
Chapter 11: Building a portlet for offline form access
- Building a form based portlet (1/2)
- Building a form based portlet (2/2)
- Adding field validations
- Adding a script to highlight the field in error
- Deploying the sample portlet as an offline portlet
- Running the portlet from a Pocket PC
- Portlet offline configuration (1/2)
- Portlet offline configuration (2/2)
- Configure the portlet client with offline option
Chapter 12: DB2 Everyplace applications with WebSphere Studio Device Developer
- Overview
- Installing WebSphere Studio Device Developer
- Working with WebSphere Studio Device Developer
- Sample scenario (1/10)
- Sample scenario (2/10)
- Sample scenario (3/10)
- Sample scenario (4/10)
- Sample scenario (5/10)
- Sample scenario (6/10)
- Sample scenario (7/10)
- Sample scenario (8/10)
- Sample scenario (9/10)
- Sample scenario (10/10)
Chapter 10: Building a portlet for offline browsing
Part 4: Appendixes
Appendix A: Portlet development platform installation
- Prerequisites
- WebSphere Studio Site Developer V5.1.1
- Install WebSphere Studio Site Developer
- Apply fixes to WebSphere Studio Site Developer (1/2)
- Apply fixes to WebSphere Studio Site Developer (2/2)
- WebSphere Studio Device Developer
- WebSphere Everyplace Toolkit V5.0.1
- Begin Everyplace Toolkit installation
- Install Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.1
- Complete Everyplace Toolkit Installation
- Complete installation of Micro Environment Tools (1/2)
- Complete installation of Micro Environment Tools (2/2)
- Appendix B: Additional material
Appendix A: Portlet development platform installation
- Related publications
- Index (1/2)
- Index (2/2)
- Back cover
Product information
- Title: IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V5 Handbook for Developers and Administrators Volume II: Application Development
- Author(s):
- Release date: March 2005
- Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
- ISBN: None
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